… sometimes easier said than done.

After a busy and intensive week at work, there is nothing you want more than to put your feet up at the weekend, go out into nature, relax in a spa, read a good book, go for a walk in the fresh air – most people think this is all very well.

But the reality is different. It continues with the obligations: family, shopping, washing, ironing, bills, leisure time appointments, children’s birthdays, and much more – everything that is left over during the week must be done at the weekend.

Even the „socializing“ may then seem exhausting. And you wonder what I would give for 30 free minutes of doing nothing.

I felt the same way – and when I had 30 minutes, I went to bed for a Power Nap. Interestingly enough, I felt even more tired afterwards and didn’t even get into my flow.

You know that feeling? Tired? Wore out? Powerless?

I have tried a lot and learned a lot – about myself but also about ways that really help to get back into your flow.

One example is my daily yoga practice – maybe this doesn’t appeal to you at first – but this activity not only activates your physical energies but also your mind and is really stimulating and challenging at the same time. There are different Yoga styles and I am pretty sure that there is something for you.

Meditation and mindfulness exercises also support me. In this context I would like to give you a few tips:

✔️ Allow yourself a quiet moment, preferably right now
✔️ Make yourself comfortable while sitting, straighten your spine vertically
✔️ Close your eyes
✔️ Circle a little with your shoulders and then slowly come to rest
✔️ Now concentrate on your breathing. Observe how your breath flows naturally
✔️ Now deepen your inhalation and exhalation, count 4 during inhalation and exhalation and repeat the procedure a few times.

If you like, you can intensify this exercise now:
✔️Breath slowly through the nose in – for 4 seconds
✔️Hold your breath for 7 seconds, stay relaxed
✔️ Breath now for 8 seconds strong and preferaferably with open mouth out
✔️ Concentrate on this breathing exercise for 3 minutes
✔️ Observe your thoughts, but do not lose yourself in them
✔️ Stay present in the here and now
✔️ And slowly get back into your natural breathing rhythm, slowly open your eyes

Do you feel more relaxed and calm? By the way, this exercise also lowers blood pressure and is ideal in the evening before going to bed.

In my coaching sessions I build in such exercises according to your needs, which you can then also try out at home. You can be curious what is possible!

Let me help you to charge your batteries with the right methods and tools for you.

Power Button on!

Hi, I’m Anja Trouvain

Anja ist ein kreativer Freigeist, der mutig lebt und seine Leidenschaft in Yoga und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung gefunden hat. Mit einer klaren und strukturierten Arbeitsweise, geprägt durch die Zusammenarbeit mit internationalen Firmen, vereint sie Kreativität, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und Business-Strategien auf einzigartige Weise in ihren Coachings. Ihr Denken ist eine inspirierende Kombination aus Herz, Verstand und Weitblick.

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