Do you ever ask yourself that? Your to-do list is getting longer and longer, you have to deal with things you don’t feel like doing and you don’t have the time for the things that you really enjoy? You dream of a simple life, dream of ideas you want to realize, wish for more time and just don’t know how to do it?

To achieve this, you don’t have to flee from your everyday life, move to the country or switch off your smartphone and meditate for hours – if you become aware of a few things and are willing to change some of your views, it will work.

Pay attention to your thoughts, because they become your words.

Pay attention to your words because they become your actions.

Pay attention to your actions, because they become your habits.

Pay attention to your habits because they become your character.

Pay attention to your character, for it become your destiny.

So you pretty much decide for yourself what you think, what you do and how you act as a person.

When you first become aware of how much time you give to your thoughts, which strand of thoughts you have followed again and what effects this can have on you, wouldn’t you start to look for a way out, too?

And yes, it is indeed simple: You can think what you want. You can take responsibility for your own well-being. You determine how you feel in certain situations. Thinking is actually one of the only things that you can actively determine yourself.

I would like to share 5 steps with you that help me when it gets too much, too complicated and the complexity of life tries to get me out of it:

1.Allow yourself to pause for a moment. Do not blame yourself. That would make the situation much more unpleasant. Just start to prioritize your topics:

What is important?

What can wait?

What is easy for you?

What takes a little longer?

Then create a time schedule.

2.Maybe you don’t have to do things that are very difficult for you alone? Get support or do some research on the internet, most of the time an idea, solution or way has already been found that might fit – also for your topic.

3.Have confidence in yourself. Did you know that trust is the opposite of fear and chaos? Well, now you know it.

4.Do you consciously endure such unpleasant situations and ask yourself if there is a learning process waiting for you to grow?

5.And if you are totally blocked and nothing works anymore, then leave the to-do, go out into the fresh air, walk a few meters and breathe in and out consciously. Air out your head. This little change of location helps you to get other thoughts and sometimes works wonders.

Last but not least: Yoga, meditation or even the conscious involvement of a coach will also help to free you from your carousel of thoughts and old habits. You learn to build up strategies for yourself that will support you in the long run to build up a strong inner attitude for the complexity of your personal life.

Peace, Love & Namasté

Hi, I’m Anja Trouvain

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